Coastal Skipper

Coastal Skipper
This 5 day course, designed for the graduate
of the Day Skipper program and marked
Coastal Navigation program or people of
equivalent experience, will expand your experience
by navigating some of the stronger current passes.
This course touches lightly on the basics as a review
and continues on to more advanced levels of anchoring,
sail trim, use of a cruising chute, heavy weather tactics,
cruise planning, navigation and night passages. This
level is commonly a prerequisite to bareboat chartering.
Pre-requisites - Competent Crew, Day Skipper, Coastal
Navigation Standards; First Aid with CPR Certificate and a VHF radio certificate
Description - The holder is certified as the skipper and navigator the be responsible for the safety of his/her vessel and crew, for coastal passages within 50 miles of a safe harbor in coastal/tidal waters where navigational hazard exist day or night with good visibility competent to navigate a cruising vessel safely, in coastal/tidal waters, within 25 miles of safe harbor, by day, using charts, a hand bearing compass, GPS, and navigational aids.